
Over 250,000+ Members Worldwide


Over 100,000+ Members Worldwide

“Grabbing the consumer’s attention isn’t enough 🤑You have to keep that attention for at least a few seconds.”
Adrian Park
Entrepreneur, USA
“Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult, as it must appeal to, entice, and convince consumers.”
Blake Padilla
Designer, Brazil
to see review
"Businesses often become known today through effective marketing. "
Calvin Sparks
Developer, Egypt
“A successful marketing plan 😍 relies heavily on the pulling-power of advertising copy,”
Anastasia Volkova
Designer, Russia
“To feel compelled by an ad, the consumer must stand to gain something.”
Emily Lawson
Designer, Japan
Joshua Marshall
Developer, Australia
“You’ll need a super catchy headline and simple design 👍”


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Meet some of the Moderators!

Let me make introduce you to the admins who will be
creating some of the rooms hosted inside of the club!

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The go-to TikTok expert showing you how to drive traffic from TikTok to increase sales and grow your social channels.
Michael Sanchez
Club Founder
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Built the analytics at Yahoo - $1 Billion in Facebook and Google ad spend. Scaling up digital agency owners.
Dennis Yu
Instagram Expert
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Freelancer working with top eCommerce brands on their paid social media buying and ad creative strategies.
Savvanah Sanchez
Digital Ads Expert
I help 7-8 figure entrepreneurs where having an active Facebook account can make the difference between $10,000 - $30,000 a day.

Christina Szekeres
Facebook Ads Expert
Lead Copywriter at Salesforce HQ I write words that make brands go BOOM!
Boomer Cruz
Advertising: Copywriting